Monday, August 29, 2011

The Big Chop!!!!!

I finally did it!  Yups you guess it....THE BIG CHOP!  I did it on 08/26/2011.  What made me do it?  Well I just decided that it was time.  The two textures with my hair length was becoming a nightmare.  Not to mention that I would have been spending tons of $$$ trying to keep it styled and looking nice while in the transitioning phase.  So I was in between a rock and a hard place.  I would either get a relaxer which I didn't want to do or I could BC!!!! So I walked through door #2. 

Just before I did the big chop I measured my hair and it was a whopping 15" long.  My first reaction when I chopped was what in the world did I just do.  But afterwards (upon styling etc.) I said to myself awh it looks really great!  Three days later and I can't keep my hands out of my head.  I have so many curls and my hair is stronger and healthier.  I can tell you this though, with my hair being the length that it was doing the BC is definitely NOT for the faint at heart.  It was a radical move and I'm loving every minute of it. I had a part two to my Big Chop video but It was too big to upload via YouTube :(

When you decide to do your BC ask yourself why you are doing it.  Are you doing it because you think natural hair is a "fad?" or Are you doing it for a lifestyle change?  Know why you're starting your hair journey and then after figuring it out enjoy the journey!

Totally Natural and Loving it!
--Beautiful Naturalista ;)

1 comment:

  1. Check the YouTube section! I got my full length BC on there. I got it edited to fit the time requirement. Enjoy!
